system has 149 threads, uses 50% cpu?
system has 149 threads, uses 50% cpu?
Task manager shows 50% cpu, and process monitor shows a bunch of log files being written like ntfs log, no reads. Sounds nutty. If its an optimization, it should read too right? (haha) Win10 1803, core2duo, 4gigs of ram.
Hi bobgardner
If you click on the word cpu it should sort the list. Either lowest to highest or highest to lowest.
If you use highest to lowest what tasks sort to top of list?
If you wouldn't mind, what version and build are you on. Right click start, click run, type winver, enter.
I assume you've done a scan with a secondary virus / malware scanner?
Here's the task mgr and res mon scrn caps
With 2 weak cores it's almost expected to use CPU so much . Start by disabling Startup (Auto-start) items, there's most probably at least one you don't need but it's making CPU work harder.
In previous post asked what build you are on, yes I see 1803.
Also asked if you did a secondary virus scan.
Also might run sfc /scannow
Does yours stay this busy with no activity by you.
I too have an old Core2Duo processor and 4GB and by about 15 minutes the CPU runs down around 2%. 1803, build 17134.345
It never gets below 55%, and the odd bit is its just writing all those lof file all the time.... no disk reading. Those screens were with nothing running. Lord Knows what all those other processes are doing.
Third attempt - did you run a secondary AV product?
Did you run SFC /scannow
I did the windows defender thorough scan that does a restart, running sfc scannow right now, but I'm at work, so I'll aks the XYL to see if it found anything. Stand by. OK.... "nothing found"
Last edited by bobgardner; 29 Oct 2018 at 09:01.
Reason: additional info arrived
and you need to run an alternate tool.
I use superantispyware free version at work. You like that one?