How do you maintain a fast Windows computer?

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  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there

    It won't make a lot of difference on HDD's if stuff has to be read all over the place on the HDD
    Simply bang in an SSD and troubles will be over -- SSD's make so much difference when OS and programs installed on them.
    Obviously things like NAS etc won't (yet) have SSD's but as prices coming down all the time these will eventually phase out spinners (HDD's) anyway - and are cheaper and less enviromentally damaging to manufacture.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22
    Windows 10 Education 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    ignatzatsonic said:
    You can control this to some extent by opening the property tab for that folder in Windows File Explorer.

    Right click the folder, choose properties, poke the "customize" tab.

    Look at "optimize this folder for".

    If it's set to videos, music, or pictures, you may prefer "general items" or "documents".
    Wow, nice, thank you very much :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 22
    Windows 10 Education 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    jimbo45 said:
    Hi there

    It won't make a lot of difference on HDD's if stuff has to be read all over the place on the HDD
    Simply bang in an SSD and troubles will be over -- SSD's make so much difference when OS and programs installed on them.
    Obviously things like NAS etc won't (yet) have SSD's but as prices coming down all the time these will eventually phase out spinners (HDD's) anyway - and are cheaper and less enviromentally damaging to manufacture.

    "and are cheaper and less enviromentally damaging to manufacture."
    Wow I didn't know that, thanks for the help jimbo :)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 45,400
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    - rare earths, magnets e.g. - rare earths are really not usually so rare, but the mines that produce them are quite scarce- and very toxic and polluting. One major one is in China.
    Rare earth mining in China: the bleak social and environmental costs | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian
      My Computers


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