Laptop shuts down after going to sleep periodically

  1. Posts : 413
    windows 10 2004

    Laptop shuts down after going to sleep periodically

    It seems just as of late, I'm enjoying my computer being shut down after it goes to sleep. This only happens once in a bit. It does not appear to be heating up whatsoever and all else seems to be working flawlessly.
    The machine is four years old but never moved off my desk.
    I've tried unchecking Turn on Fast Startup. Also changed Power Performance from 100 to 0 but this has done nothing to hinder the problem. It's so sporadic but it happens. Any idea what one could do other than keeping a Fire Extinguisher close by?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 31,130
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Hi Maggidon

    Is your machine shutting down or hibernating? Hibernation should happen like clockwork once the elapsed time has past.

    From Hibernation you should see a message, although brief, with the word resuming.

    You said it happens occasionally so I'm wondering if it is coming from battery. That said if it were battery I would expect to see it do this when you are using although you could be reacting to the low Battery action before it takes action.

    You said your device is four years old and so your battery is four years old. Windows 10, within Advance Power Options, has a heading for Battery, right at bottom of list. I would review those settings for Low Battery Action and Critical Battery Action.

    Right Click Start > Power Options > Additional Power Settings (on Right) > Change Plan Settings (beside plan in use) > Change Advance Power Settings > Window Opens, click on required heading

    I did not understand the comment about Fire Extinguisher. A machine that shuts off and does not over heat. I obviously have misunderstood something.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 413
    windows 10 2004
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the reply. This has nothing to do with Hibernation, for I've got that unchecked. This is not a battery problem. Battery is fully charged & most of the time the unit is plugged in.
    I also have the Power Button set so when I press that, it simply goes into sleep mode. But this happens once in a bit simply when the machine goes to sleep on its own or I've seen it happen once or twice when putting it to sleep with the Power Button.
    I realize a laptop will not overhead when it shuts down but that really isn't why I mentioned the Fire Extinguisher. I was clowning about that. Of course, saying that, watch this thing burst into a ball of flame.
    Have you ever heard of an update causing what I'm experiencing?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 31,130
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    I can't say yes but I can't say no. Windows Updates is a major contributor in all the forums. LOL

    I totally disagree with these automated driver updates.

    Look in your Windows Update History, at the bottom, have drivers been updated.

    The only really sure way to kill hibernation is with the command

    powercfg -h off

    I have a problematic battery and even plugged in it will issue a Critical warning and would shut off. After many hours of looking I found this heading in Advance Options. No harm in setting them to do nothing.

    Would be interested if you found driver updates that coincide with problem. The move to 1803 would have loaded the newest drivers from MS. One of them could even be at fault. Not sure how long you've had 1803, it should be listed in history.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 413
    windows 10 2004
    Thread Starter

    I've just taken your advice as to the Hibernation thing. As to driver updates, I have that shut off. I have updated manually the nVidia driver once in a bit. Of course, they have an update it seems about every two weeks and since I'm not into gaming whatsoever, I'm not worried too much about that.
    I've not set the battery to nothing before but I could do that. In the last two days, this laptop has not shut off at all by itself. Weird and totally wonderful.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 31,130
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Always the way it is. When you want it to act up it doesn't. Honestly I'm not sure how but these things just know.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 413
    windows 10 2004
    Thread Starter

    Just to open up an old wound again. I've not used the Power Button to shut down the computer but just created a short cut and put it on the Taskbar.
    I put it to sleep manually and as usual, there is no problem. But upon tapping a key tonight to bring it out of sleep, I find it had shut down completely again, so this is not a Power Button issue.
    It's strange that this only happens once a week or so. If anyone new is reading this and knows the reason why it does this only periodically, please let me know if there's a fix.
      My Computer


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