I'm guessing his parents are paying 1/2 of the cost of his PC, but he has to pay $100 more than they do.
What part of what you quoted is honestly true?
What pieces would you want to upgrade in a year or so?
It's much easier to upgrade the stuff outside the case--which is why I think you should emphasize the stuff inside the case now---IF IF IF you will have more money in a year.
It's not really cost effective to upgrade major internal components in one year UNLESS you have no budget problems.
My parents will basically pay half of the pc. Yes, I dont like Intel because I have been using a intel pentium laptop for gaming for the longest time and have absolutely hated it. And i have read everywhere that ryzen to intel price to performance ratios are way out of wack. AMD just seems a much better cpu, but by all means, show me a good intel build.
disregard me saying that it was honestly true. I dont know why i said that. In a year or so i might upgrade the cpu or gpu. But i do suppose that isnt very cost effective. But I honestly cant save that much by getting cheaper, peripherals, right? At most $30. Please recommend me some though.
Well, first gaming on an Intel Pentium just means you aren't going to have a good experience. A core i3, i5 or i7 would not provide you with the same experience.
Here is a suggestion for an Intel CPU and mobo. $270 for the combo. Gaming performance is generally better on the Intel's. Heavily multithreaded apps benefit from the higher core counts of Ryzen. If gaming is your #1 requirement, I'd personally go Intel.
Core i5-7400 $189 Mobo GIGABYTE GA-H270-HD3P. $79.99