Yep well I don't really understand fully what you are saying because I have only ever done OC on odd occasions and not being an avid gamer I have no need to.
Having said that though it is a matter of common sense to know that if you push things ie a CPU to the extreme limits of it's speed then it comes at a cost just as you would with say a car racing engine designed to occasionally or be capable of very high speeds and therefore the extra stress levels on it components will cause it to wear ata faster rate than what it was designed for. I am not saying anyone is wrong by using OC on anything as long as thye realise it is swings and roundabouts when it comes to longevity in anything.
Me I am a marathon runner rather than a sprinter and I expect longer life out of my gear rather than a short time span for the quicker pace. One must remember we are in some cases dealing with components today that are manufactured and operate at atomic levels which makes "wear limits" that much more critical.