I hope Acer is doing better. I was looking for the same thing and found this one. It seems to get pretty good reviews as well. From my looking, it seems to be the best sub $1000 laptop I could find. Asus makes one with very similar specs without a GPU for $499. But, I think with a FHD screen, the graphics would be much better with a decent GPU.
Just as a curiosity question. Do you think when the 8th Generation laptops finally come out, they will drop the prices on the 7th Generation laptops significantly? Generally I would think so. But at that price point, I'm not sure how much they can drop them without losing money.
They may a little. We have Dell Optiplex 3040's at work with Skylake i5's in them, the new 3050's just came out with 7th gen i5's and the 3040's have dropped $100 and these are more expensive business machines. So we are picking up more of the 3040's while they are cheap. I'm curious how quickly the 7th gen systems will drop in price.
I have no clue. I am not a laptop person. I was looking for one for my wife. We have a Samsung now that is from the Sandy Bridge era, but has been an excellent laptop. It is just starting to have a few problems now and I know the time to replace it is coming pretty soon.