The Demand for GPU's 2016-2017

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  1. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11

    The Demand for GPU's 2016-2017

    Hey guy's this post is to get information and thoughts about the current GPU market

    #1 I find it highly ridiculous the new GPU's released are so hard to get in retail it's making me wonder why it's so hard ?
    A: Are Vendors purposely messing with stock ?
    B: Is this newer GPU that worth it to get or is next Generation a better choice TI on up
    C: Does anyone with a G-sync monitor feels there wouldn't be any difference from your last years flavor 970,980 980ti

    #2 How much are you willing to pay and what brand you prefer ?

    #3 Last question do you feel Nvidia will stop improving Maxwell based on Pascal being a main focus ?

    Thoughts and sorry for the massive Novel
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 430
    Win 10

    A:I dont think so demand for aftermarket stuff is massive founders edition cards are pretty easy to get though , and apart from poor cooling are actually tending to clock higher (NVidia cherry picked for founders)??
    B:For me with a 980TI no , im not pay700 quid for 25% increase in fps when its mostly over 100 already waiting for TI
    C:I have the same monitor as you , but i dont understand what your asking? :)

    EVGA and ill see how the aftermarket ti's price after launch

    yes i beleive maxwell has hit its limit as far as driver improvements go and DX12 is a massive let down so far
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    A: I don't think so. From what I've read, this has been an issue with every new Nvidia flagship release, at least for the past few generations.
    B: Ti is likely the better choice from a pure power standpoint. If you have the option to wait, I probably would.
    C: Most likely you'll see the same G-sync performance as with the 9xx series cards.

    #2. I find it hard to spend over $500 on a GPU, so I usually end up with a x70 card, or an x80 non Ti, unless I get great deals like I did with my 980 Tis. As for brand, I prefer EVGA because of their reliability and fantastic customer service and stuff like the Step Up program.

    #3. I think Maxwell may get a few more improvements driver side, but probably not for long. On the other hand, I don't think Nvidia is going to "cripple" Maxwell to make Pascal look better, the way some people over on the Geforce/Guru3D forums claim they did to Fermi and Kepler.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11
    Thread Starter

    Archie123 said:
    A:I dont think so demand for aftermarket stuff is massive founders edition cards are pretty easy to get though , and apart from poor cooling are actually tending to clock higher (NVidia cherry picked for founders)??
    B:For me with a 980TI no , im not pay700 quid for 25% increase in fps when its mostly over 100 already waiting for TI
    C:I have the same monitor as you , but i dont understand what your asking? :)

    EVGA and ill see how the aftermarket ti's price after launch

    yes i beleive maxwell has hit its limit as far as driver improvements go and DX12 is a massive let down so far
    What is am asking about Gsync is being stuck at a certain refresh rate which caps anything higher than the monitor refresh rate allows before Gsync you could run uncapped frames vsync didn't hold back Benchmarks but Gsync does on certain one's not all
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11
    Thread Starter

    blackroseMD1 said:
    A: I don't think so. From what I've read, this has been an issue with every new Nvidia flagship release, at least for the past few generations.
    B: Ti is likely the better choice from a pure power standpoint. If you have the option to wait, I probably would.
    C: Most likely you'll see the same G-sync performance as with the 9xx series cards.

    #2. I find it hard to spend over $500 on a GPU, so I usually end up with a x70 card, or an x80 non Ti, unless I get great deals like I did with my 980 Tis. As for brand, I prefer EVGA because of their reliability and fantastic customer service and stuff like the Step Up program.

    #3. I think Maxwell may get a few more improvements driver side, but probably not for long. On the other hand, I don't think Nvidia is going to "cripple" Maxwell to make Pascal look better, the way some people over on the Geforce/Guru3D forums claim they did to Fermi and Kepler.
    From this point it's hard to tell and to reply to your answer A: it wasn't hard to get a 980 on launch i got one pretty easily
    this 1080 thing though seems a tad out of control

    Cards should be good to at least 5 years seems in the last decade i have run through so many cards it's like wow a lot of wasted cash lol
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    solarstarshines said:
    Cards should be good to at least 5 years seems in the last decade i have run through so many cards it's like wow a lot of wasted cash lol
    Hahaha, yeah, I feel ya. I wasn't even going to go in on a new card this generation until I found out my 980Ti was eligible for Step Up. Hopefully that 1080 (or two) will hold me off for a bit.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    I remember the F5 battles on Newegg when the 900's first came out. a new batch lasted about 3 minutes. Those who didn't realize what was happening just kept seeing the 'not in stock' and wondered why Nvidia came out with a new card but won't ship them. That's how I got my Classified. I saw it, bought it, and went back and none in stock.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 234
    8.1 / 10

    The performance improvement drivers for Maxwell were done in the fall last year....everything since has either been for specific games, bug fixes, or the Pascal release. You aren't going to get any more Maxwell performance upgrades via drivers.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11
    Thread Starter

    Vellinious said:
    The performance improvement drivers for Maxwell were done in the fall last year....everything since has either been for specific games, bug fixes, or the Pascal release. You aren't going to get any more Maxwell performance upgrades via drivers.
    Still is it worth going to a new GPU versus one that has matured out these prices are beginning to become a house payment lol
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    @solarstarshines, why do you keep asking these questions? You know very well you are going to buy at lest one of these new cards. You can't stand not being at the top of the leaderboards. Just accept it and make plans.
      My Computer


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