Air Coolers: Is BIG really too big?

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  1. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    I have the CM V8 GTS but I didn't worry about the weight and size because I have a horizontal case.

    Air Coolers: Is BIG really too big?-wp_20151016_20_06_16_pro-1-.jpg

    I am very reluctant about switching to water cooling because I do upgrade and tinker a lot with my rig and taking the water lines off seems like a lot of work. I could be wrong. Plus, since I have a horizontal case, my motherboard is prone to flooding. :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 46
    64-bit 10240 10 Pro

    The lines on my H75 Corsair are braided and they are short, just go to the back vent where there are two fans in a push pull configuration. There is not a chance of it leaking. Now if it were to go outside the case and mount on top, I would be concerned. It is quiet, easy to install and is not big. IMHO what the OP now has is overkill.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 136
    Windows 7 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Hi again,

    Yes, I already have the NH-D15 in my system (see pic). I've been reading up on it and it seems the 8 DIMM slots on my board provide enough structural support that, as @essenbe mentioned, weight shouldn't ever be an issue (though I'd still remove it if I were taking my computer cross-country, just for peace of mind). The performance is definitely top-notch and keeps my CPU cool regardless of whether my room is 62F or 85F, a huge bonus considering my ambient temps will fluctuate that far depending on the season since I'm in an apartment with old, thin windows.

    However, I'm running into another issue: the NH-D15 is actually interfering with my ability to run my graphics card in the first PCIe slot. The wire clips on the fans will actually touch the back of the PCB on the graphics card if I run it in that slot. This isn't necessarily a terrible issue, but I know that ideally I should be running the card in that slot to maximize performance.

    Still, upgrading to the Kraken X61 (the only AIO I would ever want, and I won't be convinced otherwise) would require trying to sell my NH-D15, and I don't know how good the resale on it would be, even if I've only been using it for just around two months now. Not to mention the cost differential would be a bit to consider.

    Sorry I'm so late in replying. Been busy.

    Air Coolers: Is BIG really too big?-img_6942.jpg
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 360
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Leave the computer case open and I think you have a drone with a lot of computing power.

    You will have to post a sign, NO DRONE FLYING IN THE DATA CENTER.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    Try bending the clips so they miss the card.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 76

    kbronski said:

    However, I'm running into another issue: the NH-D15 is actually interfering with my ability to run my graphics card in the first PCIe slot. The wire clips on the fans will actually touch the back of the PCB on the graphics card if I run it in that slot. This isn't necessarily a terrible issue, but I know that ideally I should be running the card in that slot to maximize performance.
    The clips on the cards PCB aren't a problem. If you're still really concerned, put a bit of insulating tape on the parts that do touch.

    Keep the NHD15 mate.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    SmartEyeball said:
    The clips on the cards PCB aren't a problem. If you're still really concerned, put a bit of insulating tape on the parts that do touch.

    Keep the NHD15 mate.
    The problem with it is when it's time to remove the GPU when needed. . Without room to unlock the GPU from the slot, you have to take the cooler off first.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    It's just a small metal clip that holds the fan on the cooler. There is space between the cooler itself and the card. A thin piece of plastic or wood will release the clip holding the card down.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 76

    badrobot said:
    The problem with it is when it's time to remove the GPU when needed. . Without room to unlock the GPU from the slot, you have to take the cooler off first.
    lol nah, you just have to get creative. And have an abundance of patience. I've got the D14 and my tool of choice is a chopstick to push the release to get the card out. Not fun admittedly, but doable.

    Even wedging plastic or wood (even a matchstick) can be done in situ.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 136
    Windows 7 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Antilope said:
    Leave the computer case open and I think you have a drone with a lot of computing power.

    You will have to post a sign, NO DRONE FLYING IN THE DATA CENTER.

    essenbe said:
    Try bending the clips so they miss the card.
    Thought about this. Might look into it this weekend.

    SmartEyeball said:
    The clips on the cards PCB aren't a problem. If you're still really concerned, put a bit of insulating tape on the parts that do touch.

    Keep the NHD15 mate.

    Definitely want to keep the cooler. Have been considering electrical tape ever since I first encountered the problem.

    badrobot said:
    The problem with it is when it's time to remove the GPU when needed. . Without room to unlock the GPU from the slot, you have to take the cooler off first.
    I can still unlock the GPU from below. It's not difficult.
      My Computer


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