Hardware Upgrade Question(s)

  1. Posts : 5
    Windows 10 Pro

    Hardware Upgrade Question(s)

    Hi all.
    I am wondering if some of you might be able to help me. I am going to be upgrading my current system (specs in bio) to the following hardware:
    Motherboard: Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 mATX
    CPU: AMD FX-4300 FOUR-CORE 3.8GHZ 8MB 95W
    Memory: Kingston 8GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM X 2 for a total of 16 gig.

    What I am wondering is if I can just upgrade the hardware, install the hard drive and boot up normally. Will Windows 10 recognize the new hardware and automatically load the drivers? I really do not want to to a re-install of of Windows and loose all of the other applications on the machine. I have roughly 500gb of programs and data on this hard drive.
    I do have a new hard drive that I can use, but it currently has Windows 8.1 installed on it, but nothing else, just the operating system. It was also installed with my current configuration.
    That hard drive that I want to keep is running a retail version of 8.1 and then upgraded to Windows 10.
    Thanks for any help you can offer and I can post more information if needed.
    Thanks in advance!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,579
    Windows 10 Pro

    Welcome to TenForums!

    If you're changing out the motherboard (and it's different from the one you activated Win10 on) and CPU as well, the MS activation servers will see that as a differnt machine and will not re-activate - this assumes you have OEM license - if you have a retail license you could change what you want by gong rolling back (if that option is still available, or you have a full disk image to restore into that state) to the older retail licensed OS and redo the Win10 upgrade. Memory and/or disk drive upgrade will not impact Win10 activation status, based on what MS has said and others' experiences discussed here.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    clshortt said:
    Hi all.
    I am wondering if some of you might be able to help me. I am going to be upgrading my current system (specs in bio) to the following hardware:
    Motherboard: Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 mATX
    CPU: AMD FX-4300 FOUR-CORE 3.8GHZ 8MB 95W
    Memory: Kingston 8GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM X 2 for a total of 16 gig.

    What I am wondering is if I can just upgrade the hardware, install the hard drive and boot up normally. Will Windows 10 recognize the new hardware and automatically load the drivers? I really do not want to to a re-install of of Windows and loose all of the other applications on the machine. I have roughly 500gb of programs and data on this hard drive.
    I do have a new hard drive that I can use, but it currently has Windows 8.1 installed on it, but nothing else, just the operating system. It was also installed with my current configuration.
    That hard drive that I want to keep is running a retail version of 8.1 and then upgraded to Windows 10.
    Thanks for any help you can offer and I can post more information if needed.
    Thanks in advance!
    No one else can help with this?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    I know from experiences here at work that people have had some success changing a computer and using the old hard disk in the new system when the motherboard chip set is the same and it boots up with little configuration required afterwards. I would not guarantee anything though. Yes, you also have the issue of Microsoft activation as well, like the other poster mentioned.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    I just want everyone to know that it worked just fine. I took the plunge and just went for it. Built the new system, configured the BIOS, shut the system down, plugged in the hard drive and BOOM! Windows picked up the new motherboard and processor just fine. No big deal, not reformatting, just had to be patient for windows to download the drivers and get them installed. Once installed the system runs perfect. Even reactivated windows with no issues.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,579
    Windows 10 Pro

    clshortt said:
    I just want everyone to know that it worked just fine. I took the plunge and just went for it. Built the new system, configured the BIOS, shut the system down, plugged in the hard drive and BOOM! Windows picked up the new motherboard and processor just fine. No big deal, not reformatting, just had to be patient for windows to download the drivers and get them installed. Once installed the system runs perfect. Even reactivated windows with no issues.
    Great news!
    Just for my own sanity check, would you mind answering the following?:

    1) Was your Windows license retail?
    2) Can you open a command prompt and enter "slmgr /xpr" just to make sure there's no expiration to the activation?
    3) Confirm you did change out the motherboard with one totally different from the one that came from Dell?

    It would be helpful in confirming or adjusting my understanding of WIn10 activation constraints as I have been learning them here at TenForums.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Yes, it was a retail copy of Windows 8.1 that I used my free upgrade to Windows 10.
    A window popped up that says "Windows Professional Edition: Windows is in notification mode"
    Yes, I changed from a Dell (Foxconn) motherboard with an Intel processor to an Asus motherboard with an AMD processor. I did not do anything to the hard drive accept plug it in.
    I spent about a half hour on the phone with Microsoft Customer Service and explained to them what I had done and they told me there would be no problems activating. I had to provide them with a valid key registered to me and verify my identity before he would allow it to be reactivated.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,579
    Windows 10 Pro

    Thanks, for the follow up, clshortt, it all makes sense now.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 5
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Update 2 -----
    The Windows 10 that was on the hard drive ended up not reactivating! (I was told it would not, but had to try it)
    I'll make a long story short here. Ended up formatting the hard drive and installing Windows 8.1 do redo the Windows 10 upgrade. Microsoft tech support ASSURED me that my Windows 8.1 key would work and re-validate just fine. Then I could reupgrade to 10.
    Well, the 8.1 key did NOT validate! I ended up back on the phone with level 2 tech support. They told me I had to go buy another copy of 8.1 to get a valid key. I told him I absolutely would not do that and he was going to re-validate my key! He refused, told me there was no way to do it. I had to get REALLY PISSED and ask to speak with his supervisor. He put me on hold and came back in a minute, all of a sudden he had a way to get it re-validated. We went through a short process, through the "back end" of Windows 8.1. IT validated just fine and I was able to do the upgrade to 10 no problems.
    So, after 3 hours on the phone with Microsoft, I am back up and running with my old copy of 8.1 upgraded to 10.......what a pain in the A$$!!!
      My Computer


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