Yes, they are designed/optimised to run around the 60°C mark, particularly the high speed drives like those Samsung ones.
They will throttle down if they get too hot, part of the SSD controllers job.
It is not a given that lower temperatures are better, in many scenarios the failure rate is higher.
You can look up the data if you wish.
It is all a complex compromise between Speed, density of components, thermal considerations and a sensible range of operational temperatures.
"High frequency can also produce heat (think microwave). "
Just no, microwave ovens (heating) is a bad comparison.
Thank you for all the great info, everyone! I feel better knowing that what I'm seeing isn't really unexpected, although I do think I'll add an intake fan on this case to help with cooling in general. And I'll start using HWMonitor instead of Speedfan. :)
Thanks again and cheers!