Any thoughts on my switching to an AMD build?
I predominately do video editing using Adobe suites and Vegas NLEs; and do photo/video enhancement with AI software which relies on cores, GPUs, and speed (as you all know).
I‘m seriously considering switching from Intel camp to AMD. And when building computers, they seem more reliable and trouble-free if all or most of the components are made by the same company, especially for compatibility sake. Since processors are the main component for performance, I always tried to buy Intel processors and mobos, containing Intel chipsets, etc. But now Intel is dropping their mobo lines.
And some research discloses that AMD may have the fastest processors, such as the ThreadRipper TR-3990 with 64 cores and 128 threads. They also make their own boards and GPUs. And their metrics and benches seem to lead the pack. Although, the real challenge still seems to be choosing the component combinations that best balance the core count vs clock speeds to get the best performance for the tasks at hand.
So if someone wants to build a truly high-end performer, why wouldn’t they consider AMD? Any thoughts on this theory?
P.S. -- I'm throwing this out to the forum because in the past I have made expensive mistakes by believing the marketing hype, but failing to check with the people who own these system setups. Thanks for your feedback!
Last edited by garuda; 01 Mar 2021 at 08:37.