AMD is good, no matter what hdmi says
Different tools in different places. I'm not a loyal fan of either. I go with whatever makes sense at the time. In 2016, we built my son a core i5-6500 which was great and my 16 year old daughter currently uses. We build him a replacement in 2019, built me a desktop at end of 2020 and just built wife a desktop and they are all Ryzens.
I've never had an amd based laptop. Only desktops.
My current laptop is a macbook pro and if I replaced that it would be with an M1 based arm processor as those are crazy powerful with amazing battery life.
From a custom PC Builder (that has TV and Hollywood clients). Intel for audio (e.g. recording studio) as it has better (lower) latency and AMD for video and gaming.
He went on to say a large number of CPU cores is not needed for audio processing (recording studio work) but more cores are a plus for gaming and video.
I can attest to the cores. My desktop recording studio system is an i7 and I have a laptop with an i5. The i5 performs equally well running "DAW" recording studio apps and even large MIDI projects.