That's a great looking card Paul, nice rig too. Is that the 2080 Amp Extreme? I was also interested in both the Zotac 2080 Ti Amp Extreme and MSI 2080 Ti Gaming X Trio but stuck to EVGA just because I am familiar with their customer service. They're all great cards.
Yeah this EVGA FTW3 looks like triple slot, three screw holes so must be. The 1080 Ti FTW3 is a 2 slot. So your Zotac is also a 3 slot? I'm seeing a lot of comments suggesting Turing runs hotter than Pascal. The 2080 Ti has twice the amount of parts as the 1080 Ti and a larger die for the RT and Tensor cores so probably makes sense. I'm guessing this is why they have beefed the heatsink's up on these cards.