GPU Riser question

  1. Posts : 103
    Windows 10

    GPU Riser question

    I purchased the Lian Li dynamic xl rog case and wanted to side mount my gpu was looking at ordering the Lian li GPU bracket. My question is will i loose all my other pci slots. Im only using a pcix1 for my xfi soundcard that is way better then onboard audio.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    It depends on the case, You will have to check the dimensions and see if you can still fit other items
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2,979
    Windows 11

    Urbwolf said:
    I purchased the Lian Li dynamic xl rog case and wanted to side mount my gpu was looking at ordering the Lian li GPU bracket. My question is will i loose all my other pci slots. Im only using a pcix1 for my xfi soundcard that is way better then onboard audio.
    I don't think both the soundcard and riser cable will fit, I've looked into the same case before and also have a PCIE soundcard. That is the sad part about risers - you do lose your PCI slots. You may be able put the soundcard at the motherboards very topmost PCI slot depending on how tall the GPU is vertically....
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 14,639
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Yeah, there are issues. I have a motherboard with 2 PCIe X1 slots but there is an older PCI slot between them, little difficult using Add-in cards that don't have sufficient cooling space between them.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 2,979
    Windows 11

    This picture gives an idea of how close the GPU is to the motherboard when vertical mounted. I've circled the top most PCI slot where potentially the sound card could go above the GPU but it would depend on how tall your GPU is.

    GPU Riser question-71115648_1424964870991870_21211035293712384_o.jpg
      My Computer


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