New Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V18.0.3.0 Released.
Official Display Driver Uninstaller DDU Download
New Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V18.0.3.0 Released.
Official Display Driver Uninstaller DDU Download
I'm finally getting a fully modern system but its not at home. I ordered an i9 10900 ThinkStation with 64GB RAM, 4TBs of SSDs, and a Quadro RTX 4000 for work. I can't wait to get of my i7 7700 box at work.
I'm a linux admin. I build all our linux VMs in hyper-v on my desktop then when its complete import it into the hyper-v on the server. Also leave the old VMs in my workstation to test upgrades before I role out the updates on the live environment. My i7-7700 and 32GB of RAM is really struggling.