Hardware Thread 2020

  1. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11

    I ordered the kit when i got my daughters B350
    I had a corsair Hydro and H115 and supposedly they didn't have one at the time but that was false
    It had one in the box so i ended up keeping it
    Smart move Eh ?
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    solarstarshines said:
    I ordered the kit when i got my daughters B350
    I had a corsair Hydro and H115 and supposedly they didn't have one at the time but that was false
    It had one in the box so i ended up keeping it
    Smart move Eh ?
    In immortal words of Mister T, "Love it when plan comes together".
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11

    CountMike said:
    In immortal words of Mister T, "Love it when plan comes together".
    I'm still trying to figure out how no one died during all those explosions and rounds being spent lol

    Hannibal used to Machine gun the shyt out of everything and nobody dies hahaha
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    solarstarshines said:
    I'm still trying to figure out how no one died during all those explosions and rounds being spent lol

    Hannibal used to Machine gun the shyt out of everything and nobody dies hahaha
    Family show, they were more sensitive at that time, nobody ever swore in "Little house on the prairie" despite many opportunities.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11

    CountMike said:
    Family show, they were more sensitive at that time, nobody ever swore in "Little house on the prairie" despite many opportunities.
    Man i feel we opened up another era hahaha Ms Laura ingalls lol wouldn't stand for it hahaha
    Just ask Micheal Landon he was a Angel you know
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    solarstarshines said:
    Man i feel we opened up another era hahaha Ms Laura ingalls lol wouldn't stand for it hahaha
    Just ask Micheal Landon he was a Angel you know
    Micheal Landon didn't swear in Bonanza either.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11

    CountMike said:
    Micheal Landon didn't swear in Bonanza either.
    Exactly but that was all TV

    Off Camera , bet he was a Sailor hahaha Little Joe Cartwright would punch you square for getting just a lil sass with him hahaha

    Mike when you tuned your chip did you use a guide or did you take info from the web

    I went to OCN and checked out what they were doing most people lock these in at 4.4 getting 4,5 all core is hard from what theyr'e saying

    Now i am going to ask about staggering the cores speed wise different speeds for one the 3950x is rated 4.7 Ghz one core i assume ?

    So is it possible to lock the cores at the 4.4 and lock 1 in the 4.7 it actually won't make much of a difference but that was kinda the move on the X99 Platform i am feeling the same way about this but let me know if i am wrong this is just out loud thinking
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    solarstarshines said:
    Exactly but that was all TV

    Off Camera , bet he was a Sailor hahaha Little Joe Cartwright would punch you square for getting just a lil sass with him hahaha

    Mike when you tuned your chip did you use a guide or did you take info from the web

    I went to OCN and checked out what they were doing most people lock these in at 4.4 getting 4,5 all core is hard from what theyr'e saying

    Now i am going to ask about staggering the cores speed wise different speeds for one the 3950x is rated 4.7 Ghz one core i assume ?

    So is it possible to lock the cores at the 4.4 and lock 1 in the 4.7 it actually won't make much of a difference but that was kinda the move on the X99 Platform i am feeling the same way about this but let me know if i am wrong this is just out loud thinking
    OCing Ryzen is kinda counter productive unless you can OC it to frequency higher than it's top auto boost (PBO) which is pretty rare, need a good dose of luck to win silicone lottery.
    Highest boost is only on one core but rest of cores are only about 200MHz lower. If you can't OC to frequency higher than boost, you may be loosing in single core performance. PBO boosts with lightning speed without any noticeable delay so much that some consider it "jumpy".
    Habitual overclockers consider it boring but best results are using PBO if you can keep temps up to 62-65c. At 70c boost already starts to get lower. I loose 100MHz as soon as temp goes over 71c, that's why I'm trying to replace my tired AIO.
    At that temp I loose 100-150 points in CB r20 for instance.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11

    CountMike said:
    OCing Ryzen is kinda counter productive unless you can OC it to frequency higher than it's top auto boost (PBO) which is pretty rare, need a good dose of luck to win silicone lottery.
    Highest boost is only on one core but rest of cores are only about 200MHz lower. If you can't OC to frequency higher than boost, you may be loosing in single core performance. PBO boosts with lightning speed without any noticeable delay so much that some consider it "jumpy".
    Habitual overclockers consider it boring but best results are using PBO if you can keep temps up to 62-65c. At 70c boost already starts to get lower. I loose 100MHz as soon as temp goes over 71c, that's why I'm trying to replace my tired AIO.
    At that temp I loose 100-150 points in CB r20 for instance.
    As i always understood more than 6-8 cores are problematic especially with heat
    People are trying to shoot for numbers when the cores are the reason why we bought it
    If i wanted to see 5Ghz on every chip i bought then i will stick to intel their good about those things

    Clock speeds are just that a number the real performance is the IPC and the pipeline the info runs through bottom line higher clock speed really is pointless when you have raw power like that the memory is usually the one that will shine

    Tighter memory stable clock speed a little under the max you can get and the right cooling that thing will boost very well

    Basically what i am saying is Ram with Ryzen is key not clock speed and manipulating them both to work well is pretty much key
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    solarstarshines said:
    As i always understood more than 6-8 cores are problematic especially with heat
    People are trying to shoot for numbers when the cores are the reason why we bought it
    If i wanted to see 5Ghz on every chip i bought then i will stick to intel their good about those things

    Clock speeds are just that a number the real performance is the IPC and the pipeline the info runs through bottom line higher clock speed really is pointless when you have raw power like that the memory is usually the one that will shine

    Tighter memory stable clock speed a little under the max you can get and the right cooling that thing will boost very well

    Basically what i am saying is Ram with Ryzen is key not clock speed and manipulating them both to work well is pretty much key
    Yes, relation CPU-RAM is important for Ryzen, more than for Intel and works both ways. CB r20 doesn't show that relation well, PTest shows it better and Geekbench goes crazy. It's also case with memory latency and single channel can kičč performance just like that. Too bad Ryzen unlike threadripper don't work with quad channel memory, There's also a cutoff at RAM frequency at 3733MHz when memory divider falls off 1:1:1 and above that actually looses some of performance gaining it only at 4000MHz and above.
    That's some stuff that is supposedly going to be rectified in Zen3 (4000) series. As you probably know, Ryzen 3000 has separate chip for IO including IMC and it doesn't have impact on cores. At same time it's a weak spot which limits memory write to about half the speed of memory read. Fixing that would make a beast of CPU.
      My Computers


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