Hardware Thread 2020

  1. Posts : 1,191
    Windows 11 Pro x64

    sygnus21 said:

    I think Canon's colors favor the warm side, whereas as Nikon favors the cooler colors. This is sort of like Kodak (warmer) vs. Fuji (cooler) colors.

    I used both Canon (A-1, AE-1) and Nikon (F100, F5) camera film bodies, but I always shot with Kodak film. When I got my first digital camera in the Nikon D800E, I was somewhat disappointed in the colors and commented on it over at dpreview.com. I felt the colors overall were somewhat dull. Someone said the sensor in the D800 was the cause, so... Anyway thank god for Photoshop. The colors from the D850 seem much better this time around.
    It is more the out-of-the-box tonal curve that I prefer rather than the color temperature. Tonal curve is done at conversion from RAW, so is bit of a pain to match.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    To be clear - what I mean when I say warmer vs. cooler (in speaking of color temperature) is that Canon's sensors tends to bias towards warmer colors (reds, yellows, orange) whereas Nikon seems to bias towards the cooler colors (blues, greens) and thus the debate over Canon vs. Nikon's "colors" as seen around the net.

    Even in shooting in RAW some have noted a difference; but like everything it also depends on scene and lighting.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64
    Thread Starter

    Pics look great, congrats on the new camera
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 1,191
    Windows 11 Pro x64

    sygnus21 said:
    To be clear - what I mean when I say warmer vs. cooler (in speaking of color temperature) is that Canon's sensors tends to bias towards warmer colors (reds, yellows, orange) whereas Nikon seems to bias towards the cooler colors (blues, greens) and thus the debate over Canon vs. Nikon's "colors" as seen around the net.

    Even in shooting in RAW some have noted a difference; but like everything it also depends on scene and lighting.
    Yes, I know what you meant, I said I wasn't referring to temperature - temperature can be easily corrected. I am talking more the gray scale curve . The Nikon conversions appear to have more "depth" - more details in the shadows. - qualitatively a richer feel.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    Dude said:
    Pics look great, congrats on the new camera
    Thanks. There's still much to learn about it.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64
    Thread Starter

    My new case arrived today, Thermaltake C36, I like it

    Hardware Thread 2020-c36.jpg
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    I love those cases with those big 200mm front fans. Its why I love my Cooler Master H500M
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64
    Thread Starter

    sygnus21 said:
    I love those cases with those big 200mm front fans. Its why I love my Cooler Master H500M
    Me too, I almost went with your case, but to much glass for me
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 2,979
    Windows 11

    ThrashZone said:
    That's not hardware images though

    10900k picked up snagged it off micro center website 5:am this morning
    Just need a z490 apex XII in 30 days 400.00 or a formula XII 500.00 in a week decisions ....

    Returned my spare x299 mark 2 finally, micro center now tests warranty items guess they wised up to the in-store warranty being used more as upgrade insurance

    Guess I'm lucky when the 9940x and 1200P2 psu went out at the same time it really did hurt the mark 2 also
    B1 dimm kept dropping off pretty much why I got the used apex but that knocked off 260.us off the 529.00 10900k so after tax I paid only 313.00
    Attachment 280112
    What made you want to get a 10900K?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    Dude said:
    Me too, I almost went with your case, but to much glass for me
    How's that? Two side glass panels, a top, and an optional front is minimalistic

    Anyway from where it sits I don't get to see them, plus there's no worry about glass breakage....

    Hardware Thread 2020-pc-cubby-hole.jpg
      My Computers


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