new pc

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  1. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909

    new pc

    I have a retail computer store near me and am going to see them to assemble parts that are compatible for a build. I tried PC Parts Picker but I think if all the parts came from the store near me it would be easier.
    They carry Power Spec parts.
    I'll be back but my main concern is cables. I have only replaced a hard drive but have watched many videos and think building might be possible for me.
    I was given the term standard work station hardware to avoid a build that was too much so I will start there. I would like to be able to build a VM, and am really not a gamer.
    If I could build for about $1200 I wonder if I could get a moderate graphics card. I have heard the integrated ones are good if you do not game- I'll see.
    I hope someone can help me out when I am stuck; I will read the manuals but at times they do not cover it all.
    I have a wrist band will get some magnetic screwdrivers and begin with the motherboard and CPU. I am not sure to use a cooler or not. B Back.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 31,073
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Sounds great. It takes some care but building is very doable.

    You must buy a cooler unless your CPU comes with one. No if's or buts, no cooler no PC. Tons of builders on this forum that will help.

    Seen quite a few posts where people will build a list and say what do you think members?

    You definitely want to start with what you want it to do and amount of storage.

    Once you've eyeballed CPU Motherboard combination see which case it will fit in and if the case has the storage space you want. Some even start with the case must be this big and then say okay these CPU Motherboards fit. Bigger cases are easier to work with. Check the MB you select has enough ports for connecting your storage and USB ports for your stuff.

    The integrated graphics today work great if you are not a gamer and you can always add later.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    maranna said:
    I have a retail computer store near me and am going to see them to assemble parts that are compatible for a build...................
    I have a wrist band will get some magnetic screwdrivers and begin with the motherboard and CPU. I am not sure to use a cooler or not. B Back.
    I'm a bit confused here.

    Above quote implies you are going to have a store assemble parts.

    Then you say you have a wrist band, which implies you are going to do the assembly.

    Several weeks ago in another thread, you seemed to be locked into buying an assembled machine directly from a Microcenter store near you.

    Please clarify.

    There's no need to bother with a graphics card for your non-gaming purposes. If necessary, you can add one later on.

    Some Intel processors include a cooler and some don't. You can get a decent one for under $50 if necessary.

    The last I heard, you were going to get a pre-assembled Intel i7-8700K, 16 GB of RAM, Windows 10 Pro, a 750 watt power supply, and an Asus Z370 gaming motherboard. Has any of that changed?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    In defense of my vacillating, buying or building a computer is not a task to be taken lightly so every day I was investigating and therefore, change my mind as variables changed.
    Yes I was very tempted to build.
    Dell called this am with discounts to lure me to their build. I had to inform them I revisited Micro Center which revised their parts list and will build what I want for $150 labor while I get a 2 year warranty for $150.
    I can post the parts list if you wish to see but I doubt you do. I am very satisfied with my investigation and apologize to anyone I caused undo duress. I worked diligently to get this PC and am glad I persevered.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 31,073
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Hey it's real money so it's good to investigate the options.

    When you get it and it's operational take a System Image with a tool like Macrium and put it away for when you need another clean build.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    You hit the nail on the head; Macrium reflect has been a good friend for over a decade and never failed me. I always make a baseline image after a clean install. Thanks
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 31,073
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    If we could get all the other Windows users to do the same. Of course this board would become pretty boring but a good boring.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    I'm glad you enjoy helping. Even with images folks like me do need assistance along the way.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    I'm not much of help with custom pc's, but you should create recovery media as well. Macrium and similar tools can help a lot, but are still limited, recovery media can provide more/other options.
    Last edited by axe0; 19 Sep 2018 at 15:59.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Micro center would be a good option especially if you have issues easy to to get things fixed.
      My Computers


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