Trouble setting up homegroup on local network?
I have a desktop (DT) and a portable (P)-both HPs and running the same Windows 10. I believe that I have followed all instructions well, but get confusing instructions when I go to add the P to the DT (main computer). Here's what i did: I set up a homegroup on the DT and got its password. I then opened the P and got to where I clicked "join homegroup." At this point I was prompted and confused when prompted to put in a password for the P and not the DT??? I do have homegroup PWs for both computers. Could it be that I had also tried to set up a homegroup with the P...and thus it also had a homegroup PW??? I think it may be best to get out of the P's homegroup setup and start over again. If a good idea, I don't know how to get out of P's homegroup setup.