Help me make my SMB shares visible on the network again

  1. Posts : 7

    Help me make my SMB shares visible on the network again

    Ok, so i have a problem that i need some help with. I use a PC with Windows 10 Pro and after updating to Creators Edition (1703) i can no longer see my SMB shares on the network with my media players, for example i use a Oppo blu-ray player and this can no longer see the shares from my PC. I found the reason described in this thread and it turns out that the Creators update from Microsoft is the cause for this issue.

    But i did find a solution from a user in this thread who suggested to try and change the "network ID" from business network to home network.
    Controlpanel --> System & Security --> System --> Change settings in computer name, domain and workgroup --> network ID --> Click the "this computer is not part of a business network".

    This helped and now i can see my shares on my mediaplayer again BUT the problem is that this only works until i restart my computer and after restart, the shares are not showing anymore and if i go into network ID again, the settings is back to business network.

    How do i set this to permanently stay on home network instead of business network?

    Fyi, i use a VPN service, could this be the cause for the network setting to revert back to business after restart?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 287
    win 10 home


    By design, virtual terminates when the light goes out!

    Perhaps, as with virtual ram drives and virtual machines (running a separate operating system), there is a way to 'save the data' of the setup before turning out the lights?
      My Computer


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