No wireless internet on bootup

  1. Posts : 187
    Windows 10

    No wireless internet on bootup

    Hi. I've found myself with a new problem – almost every morning when I boot up I have no wireless internet. To fix it, I'll disconnect/connect or, if that fails, I'll disable/enable the adapter. Obviously, I don't want to do this procedure every time so I'm wondering if anyone can suggest cause and cure?

    My adapter is an Edimax nano USB. I have it set so that the PC CANNOT turn it off to save power and, under Power Options, the PC is set 'High' and the adapter 'Max'.

    Thank you for any suggestions.
    Last edited by dortmunder; 11 Sep 2017 at 00:45.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    It has been a issue for quite a while. You can try and turn on Legacy devices and check the rest of your bios settings. The other problem may be that your motherboard does not send enough voltage through the USB port to keep that IRQ assigned to the USB device powered with enough voltage from cold boot, through Bios/POST, then hand off to the OS, which is still working with the Bios to find out a inventory of connected devices to the motherboard, then into the Boot process that takes the inventory of connected devices to verify if any updated drivers or changes in Device Manager, Windows Update to finish installing any previous updates or figure out if there is a problem that needs to be fixed and so on. All of this happens in a blink of a eye and at most, a minute or so.
      My Computer


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