Wifi not connecting auto anymore.
The wifi was connecting automatically without problem before. Now every time i shut down the laptop and turn it on later it will not connect automatically. This is not the case if it is a reset done only.
I tried "forgetting" the network and creating it again, but it did not help. I have to manually connect every time, but it do not ask me for the WPA code when manually connecting (unless i forget it again of course). Checked WLan config in services and is set to "auto". I also uninstalled the wifi adapter and reinstalled, but problem remains.
I have to bands, but i use 5Ghz mostly. WiFi adapter advance options is configured Preferred band to 5.2Ghz.
This problem happened some months ago, but to be honest i don't remember how i fixed. What can i do, is there something that can be tweaked in the registry?