VPN never connecting (+ question)

  1. Posts : 45
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit (Version 21H2 - OS Build 19044.1889)

    VPN never connecting (+ question)

    I've known I had this problem for months now (at least a year maybe?), but I've never really thought about the importance of not having a VPN - and being ignorant of what it's for for too long, as I'd never even heard of them until relatively recently.

    My problem is partly that [as I've said] I've only recently discovered their existence, and partly I don't have an online bank account to pay for a VPN (plus the fact I'm on benefits).

    Now I've been using Avast! Free anti-virus for many years now, and it's literally only through this program that I found out VPN's existed - when it told me I wasn't connected to one.

    So my question also is, does the free Avast! antivirus provide me with a VPN [if yes, then it isn't working]? Or doesn't the free version come with one? If not, then Avast has never complained in the past about not having a VPN until [relatively] recently; and quite a lot of times it doesn't even tell me that I don't have a VPN!

    Ps. I've tried downloading different [free] VPNs - such as Avira Phantom VPN - but none of them are connecting; it just continually says "connecting..." on all of them without it actually connecting.

    Sorry if this sounds confusing, but I need help with all of this (I have Asperger's Syndrome)

    Pps. Sorry for putting it in the wrong place again!
    Last edited by Gaz1701; 28 Aug 2017 at 12:51.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 31,073
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Hi Gaz1701.

    I don't see any mention of an incorporated VPN in any version of Avast.


    They do have product that are supposed enhance security when you connect to Banks. Eset also has something like this but not free.

    There is a product the Banks use here in Canada called Trusteer Rapport. It is free, at least here. There are quite a few international banks also using it. You can check it out and or ask your Bank.


    As a browser you might want to check out Opera. It has an integrated VPN. I haven't used but you can read reviews online.


    May not have answer your question very directly. It would be interesting to hear from other members as to how many used VPN's for security reasons when they are at home. (VPN's can also be used to mask your location to make country specific media available.)

      My Computer


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