VPN never connecting (+ question)
I've known I had this problem for months now (at least a year maybe?), but I've never really thought about the importance of not having a VPN - and being ignorant of what it's for for too long, as I'd never even heard of them until relatively recently.
My problem is partly that [as I've said] I've only recently discovered their existence, and partly I don't have an online bank account to pay for a VPN (plus the fact I'm on benefits).
Now I've been using Avast! Free anti-virus for many years now, and it's literally only through this program that I found out VPN's existed - when it told me I wasn't connected to one.
So my question also is, does the free Avast! antivirus provide me with a VPN [if yes, then it isn't working]? Or doesn't the free version come with one? If not, then Avast has never complained in the past about not having a VPN until [relatively] recently; and quite a lot of times it doesn't even tell me that I don't have a VPN!
Ps. I've tried downloading different [free] VPNs - such as Avira Phantom VPN - but none of them are connecting; it just continually says "connecting..." on all of them without it actually connecting.
Sorry if this sounds confusing, but I need help with all of this (I have Asperger's Syndrome)
Pps. Sorry for putting it in the wrong place again!
Last edited by Gaz1701; 28 Aug 2017 at 12:51.