Not able to join HOMEGROUP on Windows10 Pro

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  1. Posts : 7
    Windows 10 Pro 64BIT

    Not able to join HOMEGROUP on Windows10 Pro

    Hi All,

    I have 2 Dell Alienware PC's. Both are running on Windows10Pro 64 BIT. One is a laptop and the other one is a Desktop. Both systems areconnected to the same and only network and not any domain whatsoever.

    The problem is, when I try to create a Homegroup on machine#1 (Laptop), it won't be recognized on the machine#2 (Desktop) and vice versa.I have an Linksys WiFi extender so, I have disabled the WiFi relay of the actual router itself just to avoid the confusion.

    Troubleshooting steps as taken are:-
    1) Double checked the machines are on the same network.
    2) Disabled and detached the Wifi extender and connected both the machines to the routers Wifi directly.
    3) Have checked the network sharing is on both the machines in turned on.

    4) Services for the "Home group listener", "Home group provider", "Peer network grouping" & "Peer name resolution protocol" is turned on and set to automatic on

    both the machines.

    5) IPv6 is checked on the network properties on both the machines (not sure if that helps or not).
    6) Did a network reset on both the machines.

    7) Double checked the BIOS version up to date.

    8) Double checked the network latest drivers on both the machines both are up to date.

    9) Have disabled the McAfee antivirus firewalls on both the computers.

    I have tried every possiblething I was aware off. Would appreciate a help on this matter.

    Aman Gill.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 31,133
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Hi Aman. Welcome to the TenForums @amangill0172

    You are likely doing everything right and are experience a known issue with Homegroups that is occurring in V1703.

    You didn't say, and just to cover the bases please ensure wireless networks are not set as public.

    That said this thread may give you some solutions regarding the Master Browser. I drop you in a certain post, it might be good to start at beginning.

    Creators Update destroyed Network Discovery on wired LAN

    Of course I've made the assumption you are on V1703 on both machines. Please confirm.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7
    Windows 10 Pro 64BIT
    Thread Starter

    @Caledon Ken:- Hello Ken,

    Thanks for your swift reply :). Yes, you assumed it right. I'm running Windows 10 Pro at V1703 (OS Build 15063.540). I have double checked it on both the machines, wireless network has been set to Private Network as well.

    Has to be a glitch with this creators update. Will go through the link now and will keep you posted.

    Thanks a lot for your help. Much appreciated.

    Aman Gill.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    No glitch in Creators Update, it is a glitch in Home Group. This will help to reset Homegroup. Resetting Homegroup in Windows 10 - Microsoft Community
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 7
    Windows 10 Pro 64BIT
    Thread Starter

    @bro67- It is my bad that I forgot to mention that I already have executed a "Network Reset" on both machines which includes the troubleshooting which is mentioned on the link which you have mentioned. Nevertheless, I still went ahead and did it again exactly in the way it is described, still it's a NO GO.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 31,133
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Okay lets try these four commands to reset some of the items I don't think Network reset resets.

    Before doing remove any homegroups you established, please. Rerun network reset on each device. Then these commands on each devices.

    Run the following four bolded commands. Use a Command Prompt(admin)
    Do not key in info in brackets, there for your information.

    ipconfig /flushdns (Clear the dns cache)
    nbtstat -RR (release and refesh NetBIOS names)
    netsh int ip reset (reset ip settings)
    netsh winsock reset (Reset Winsock Catalog)

    Power off router, Reboot both devices, power on router.

    In file explorer can you see the other device? Hopefully yes. Create a homegroup on desktop. On laptop attempt to join that homegroup.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7
    Windows 10 Pro 64BIT
    Thread Starter

    @Caledon Ken:- I have executed everything precisely, in the way you asked. It still is a NO GO. Wonder what might be the issue?
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 31,133
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Ouch. Rather than use homegroups have you just tried sharing using network credentials.

    Basically you would use accounts and passwords to log in to machines instead of homegroups. You see the option in Advance Sharing Settings.

    Do you have another router that you could use for testing? I would leave existing router in place but would connect one port to the WLAN port on your spare. Assuming they are not using the same ip range this should build a unique network. Then connect devices to it and see if they share.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7
    Windows 10 Pro 64BIT
    Thread Starter

    @Caledon Ken: I have even used Netgear X10 R9000 as a router and still nothing has changed. Matter of fact all are using the SAME IP Range starting from 192.168.XXX.XX. Even tried pinging them. Sometimes they do ping each other sometimes they do NOT.

    Using network credentials, seems to be working fine. HOMEGROUP, no go
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 31,133
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Unfortunately I think you are stuck with network credentials.

    There can be a long discussion as to whether it is Homegroups, Creators Update, Network Protocols or the makers of Routers but something is not right and us mere mortals will have to wait until it is fixed. Hopefully with the next version this fall.

    I would be sure to use the feedback app to log your concerns with MS.

    Wish I knew exactly what is wrong, I don't. Maybe another member has better insight.
      My Computer


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