Should I be setting up this network as a domain?

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  1. Posts : 43
    Windows 10 build 16232
    Thread Starter

    Does the last post make me seem like a TOTAL newbie? I am! Maybe static IPs are networking 101. I do not know. That's why I am asking.

    Thanks to all.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,477

    CopperCliff said:
    I have not set up static IPs for my machines. Is there a benefit to this?
    I have 3 Linux VMs and they never find Windows machines if I don't. It seems easier to say Windows-A is and add that to the host table of everything else. Then networking just works.

    I don't have a very good router - it just came with my Internet/TV package - so most likely there is a better way but I don't know it.

    Hopefully someone else can chime in if there is :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 43
    Windows 10 build 16232
    Thread Starter

    lx07 said:
    I have 3 Linux VMs and they never find Windows machines if I don't. It seems easier to say Windows-A is and add that to the host table of everything else. Then networking just works.

    I don't have a very good router - it just came with my Internet/TV package - so most likely there is a better way but I don't know it.

    Hopefully someone else can chime in if there is :)
    Well, I have nothing to do for a few hours. How hard can it be?

    Onward thru the fog!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,477

    CopperCliff said:
    Onward thru the fog!
    That's my strategy. To everything really.

    Worth a try anyway...
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 43
    Windows 10 build 16232
    Thread Starter

    Well, so far so good.

    All machines see all machines.
    I really hope it wasn't that easy!

    Maybe that is the first rule of networking 101. Set Static IPs! Time will tell.....
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 43
    Windows 10 build 16232
    Thread Starter


    Yes, "Onward thru the fog" has been my credo since the seventies.....hasn't steered me TOO far wrong, yet!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 43
    Windows 10 build 16232
    Thread Starter

    Well, back to the drawing board......
    Came back to find my computer cannot see the others even after a restart.....
      My Computer


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