Can't get Internet access from iPhone 6s with USB cable

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

    Can't get Internet access from iPhone 6s with USB cable

    This is a perpetual issue: After an update (not sure if it's on the Windows or iPhone side), I can no longer get an Internet connection through my iPhone 6s with a USB cable. I've lost track of how many times this problem has arisen.

    In the past, I've fixed it by:

    (1) Updating the USB driver (Apple Mobile Device USB Device) - OR

    (2) Turning off IPv6 in the wireless network adapter.

    But this time, I can't figure it out. The computer can see the iPhone as a USB device, so I can access its hard drive through File Explorer. And iTunes recognizes the iPhone. So it's not the USB cable, and the driver seems to be up to date. But I can't establish an Internet hotspot connection with a USB cable. (I can do so through a wireless connection, but this is problematic for other reasons.)

    Any other ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,468
    windows 10

    Welcome to the forum. You need your network set to DHCP or it won't work as it has to get IP from can be connected a few ways it's often the iTunes driver that's at fault
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Samuria said:
    Welcome to the forum. You need your network set to DHCP or it won't work as it has to get IP from can be connected a few ways it's often the iTunes driver that's at fault
    OK, thanks -- can you give me a hint as to how to do this? I Googled it but, I didn't find what I need to do, I think.
      My Computer


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