'restricted' router problem

  1. Posts : 8
    Windows 10 Home 1703

    'restricted' router problem

    Problem--everytime I get a new comp , I forget that I had somehow set the last comp as the 'main controller'-'master' or 'parent' to control access to my router making it impossible to get to my routers standard network based page- using , without pushing that pin sized full reset on the router- standard power cycle doesn't do it and I don' t necessarily want to , since everything except ' getting the page up' works fine. Question-'How do I make my new comp the 'main controller' without a full router reset, so I can access the page again, only to turn it off so I quit having to mess around everytime I get a new comp. The page is essentially ' restricted ' to the old comp Thanks, IA

    p.s. its an old Belkin by the way-802.11g
    Windows 10 Home 1703
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Hey AmateurITGuy,
    Without the belkin model, I can't tell you where to look, but I think what you're wanting is to Disable the MAC Address Filtering.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 8
    Windows 10 Home 1703
    Thread Starter

    eagle 51, yes if i can remember it had something to do with copying my comps mac address into a field for for allowed access and mac address filtering sounds correct for the tab it was under. I suppose i'd have to do full reset to get back to the page. I was wondering if it could bee done through windows but probably not.. i'll lookup the exact Belkin model, though, its so old I don't think ill find it.. it just says Belkin on th top and small silver square box look. it was common about 10 years ago.. geez I better upgrade! if you can think of anything let me know. this has happened a few times now after comps go bad but its good for security. so secure I cant get in myself. DOOOH! , thanks
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8
    Windows 10 Home 1703
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    according to pictures online it looks like its f5D7230-4 and it the 7230 number sounds familiar so, yeahhh , I think that's it. I bought it used for 20 dollars, and I see it now only four dollars and 40 cents used.. that's how old it is. LMAO
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8
    Windows 10 Home 1703
    Thread Starter

    nix the (dash)-4, that's the dual antennae, its only single antennae.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8
    Windows 10 Home 1703
    Thread Starter

    i'm marking this solved, I think I answered my own question..it can only be done by hard reset through the push pin at which I can then decide to use or not use mac address filtering for the new comp.... which I won't.. its caused me too much trouble. thanks eagle 51 for letting me know how I restricted it in the first place. feel free to let me know if there is a way through registry or something, though..thanks
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Nope, there is no windows registry hack (this has to do with router itself). One you're locked out ... the only fix is the hard reset ... then login and disable the MAC Address Filtering so you don't have the issue again :)
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 8
    Windows 10

    I would like to recover my lost router password. How can I do that? Please let me know. I am totally new into this community. Thanks!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Hey Delphia4,
    Check the manufactures documentation for the router make/model. Some have a password recover feature, if you set it up. You can do a hard reset, which sets it back to the factory defaults (you will loose any custom settings, like port forwarding, etc).

    There is a reset pin hole on the router, use a paper clip to press and hold the reset for about 10 secs.
      My Computers


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