Enable Hotspot by CMD

  1. Posts : 3
    Win 10

    Enable Hotspot by CMD

    As per title, I would like to know how to enable the "Mobile Hotspot" by cmd commands.
    On second note, I'm not referring to the hostednetwork.

    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    Are you asking how to connect to a Mobile Hotspot like Verizon and others sell as Cellular modems? All of the information is out there with a simple search. How to Create a WiFi Hotspot Using the Command Prompt: 12 Steps
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    bro67 said:
    Are you asking how to connect to a Mobile Hotspot like Verizon and others sell as Cellular modems? All of the information is out there with a simple search. How to Create a WiFi Hotspot Using the Command Prompt: 12 Steps
    I meant the Windows 10's Mobile Hotspot. And I had mentioned that I'm not referring to the hostednetwork, the link shared is using the hostednetork which not what I'm looking for.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    I quote this from other thread

    Adalwar said:
    I think "Mobile Hotspot" and the "HostedNetWork" are different things.
    Mobile Hotspot is for to Share Internet Connection and will not work without an active Internet connection. And for this it is not necessary the support of Driver / Card for HostedNetWork.
    HotedNetWork, is and Ad-Hoc connection, it means you are creating an Home WLAN infrastructure without a Router, so at the end the HostedNetwork is a substitute for a Router. I did not try it, but probably you also could share the Internet.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    Using a computer as a mobile hotspot is a hosted Network, because it is behaving as the router to hand out assignments and then move traffic out to the internet. The Wifi adapter becomes your mobile hotspot, with the computer being the host of the network.

    If you want to use your computer as a mobile hotspot, you need to follow the information in the link I posted about how to do it from the Command Window.
      My Computer


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