Peer to peer problems

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  1. Posts : 271
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Samuria said:
    When you look for a pc on the localnetworkwindows doesnt search it asks the master browser for a list as you didnt have one that was part of the problem idealy leave that on for a while with all other pcs on so it can update its list

    "What" am I leaving on?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Your Win7 PC ... If you were to shut down ALL your PCs and start the Win10(1703) PCs first, there's a good chance you network shares will disappear from File Explorer.

    This is a known issue Win10(1703), so Until MS fixes the Win10(1703) Network Discovery / Master Browser issue, these workarounds should work.

    1. You should still be able to access the shares using \\COMPUTERNAME\SHARENAME or \\192.168.X.Y\SHARENAME ... So you can map your network shares. Map Network Drive in Windows 10 Windows 10 Network Sharing Tutorials

    2. If your router has a USB port and supports File Sharing (you have a USB Stick or USB HDD). Connect the USB Stick or USB HDD to your router and check your routers admin to make sure USB / File Sharing is enabled. This should make your router the Master Browser. Shut Down ALL PCs, then start each one.
    Note: You may need to reboot router, before starting PCs.

    3. If you have a pre 1703 PC (xp,7,8,10-1607) on your network. Shut down ALL PCs, start the pre 1703 first, then start the other PCs. This should make the pre 1703 PC the Master Browser.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 271
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    [QUOTE=3. If you have a pre 1703 PC (xp,7,8,10-1607) on your network. Shut down ALL PCs, start the pre 1703 first, then start the other PCs. This should make the pre 1703 PC the Master Browser.[/QUOTE]

    The Win 7 Desktop is currently the master browser. Can't I just leave things alone since that's the only machine that could qualify as 'old enough'?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    The Win 7 Desktop is currently the master browser. Can't I just leave things alone since that's the only machine that could qualify as 'old enough'?
    Yes :)
      My Computers


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