Define wireless settings per user account

  1. Posts : 2

    Define wireless settings per user account


    At home we have a shared PC running Win10 Pro which is used by adults and youngsters.

    I want to ensure that when youngsters use the PC then they access an Wifi accesspoint which does only gives them access to the internet but not internal file shares or other computers on the network etc.

    So when the admin or other accounts logs onto the PC (under a specific account) then they are automatically logged on to the "unlimited" access point where they can access file shares etc.
    However when youngster's account logs onto the PC, with their specific user account, then they automatically log onto the "limited" access point.

    In Win7 this was possible through:
    How to Enable User-Specific Wireless Networks in Windows 7

    But it seems that this feature has been removed in Windows 10 ? Any workarounds to fulfil my objective?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    You would have to use a Security profile that restricts the device to only a certain network. They cannot find other wifi and connect to them if they are password protected.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 32

    ejepsen said:

    At home we have a shared PC running Win10 Pro which is used by adults and youngsters.

    I want to ensure that when youngsters use the PC then they access an Wifi accesspoint which does only gives them access to the internet but not internal file shares or other computers on the network etc.

    So when the admin or other accounts logs onto the PC (under a specific account) then they are automatically logged on to the "unlimited" access point where they can access file shares etc.
    However when youngster's account logs onto the PC, with their specific user account, then they automatically log onto the "limited" access point.

    In Win7 this was possible through:
    How to Enable User-Specific Wireless Networks in Windows 7

    But it seems that this feature has been removed in Windows 10 ? Any workarounds to fulfil my objective?
    This sounds like an Access point hack to complete. If you don't have an expensive AP then chances are you'll struggle to complete this. OR if you already have the policy applied on the network side then you should be able to configure network configurations as a logon script to force wireless connectivity. That said, it won't stop them from changing networks if need be.

    Josh :)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,518
    windows 10

    Does your router have a setting user isolation or simliar name that lets users go on the net but not connect local
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2
    Thread Starter

    Nope - the router does not know who are connecting

    @Josh - I think your suggestion on the script sounds feasible... The kids just want internet access so I'm not concerned that they will try hard to access the unlimited access point

    @bro67 - can you elaborate on what you mean by "Security profile" ? - what you describe is exactly what I had in Win7 but lack in Win10.
      My Computer


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