phantom homegroup

  1. Posts : 173

    phantom homegroup

    the last time I upgraded to 1703 on my desktop I had an issue with homegroups.
    It said I could join a homegroup that was created by myself on my desktop.
    I reverted to 1607.
    So MS sort of forced the issue months later - like last night - and I let it update. Same problem.
    There has not been a homegroup on this network since W7 and I clean installed W10 - a few times.
    So why is this desktop indicating there is a homegroup that was created on this system AND telling me I can join it?

    I have another desktop and 3 laptops on this network. ONE (1) laptop is still 1607.
    All the 1703 systems say there is a homegroup on my desktop, which was not there until it update to 1703.
    The 1607 laptop does not see any homegroup. All systems are in the same workgroup.

    I obviously can't join a homegroup that was created on the same system, and I can't join it on other systems 'cause it really isn't there and I have no pw.

    How do I get rid of this - without reverting to 1607??????
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Hey ruggb,
    Give this a try ...
    1. Make sure all PC's have left the HomeGroup or are NOT joined to a HomeGroup
    2. Turn off ALL PC's
    3. Start the PC that originally had HomeGroup and now has the Phantom HomeGroup
    4. You should be able to create a new HomeGroup on that PC replacing the phantom HomeGroup. Print or write down new HomeGroup password.
    5. Start the other PCs and attempt to join HomeGroup with new password.

    Note: Make sure you use the ORIGINAL PC that had the Phatom HomeGroup ! (step 3)
    Note: Once you have fixed the Phantom HomeGroup, you should be able to have all the PC's leave the HomeGroup, then create a new HomeGroup on the PC of your choice if you want.

    Leave Homegroup in Windows 10 Windows 10 Network Sharing Tutorials
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 173
    Thread Starter

    sounds good. except --- I can't LEAVE a homegroup that has not been joined.
    You can't create a homegroup on a PC that thinks it has a homegroup.
    You can't join a homegroup that is on the PC you are trying to join.
    And you can't join it without a PW and since it doesn't exist you can't get a PW.
    You can't leave it if you are not joined.
    It is like it is seeing another PC with the homegroup, except it is the one I am typing on.

    I just did a clean install of 1703 on another drive-same PC. As soon as the install was finished I looked at homegroup and it had the same message. I shut all other systems down, same message.
    How can I do a CLEAN install and have that message appear?
    The only PC that does not see a homegroup is one with 1607.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 173
    Thread Starter

    OK, it is gone, for now. I shut down the DT, then created a homegroup on a laptop - which I could do now since the DT was off and not broadcasting a bogus homegroup. Then I turned on the DT and, the phantom was gone. It said I could join the group on the LT. It couldn't do that because IPV6 wasn't turned on.
    I shut down the laptop, rebooted the DT and it was still gone.
    I have no idea why it was there every time I CLEAN installed 1703. Where did it come from?
    And why did creating a group on the LT cause it to go away?
    OK, the answer is - it is M$ anything can happen.
      My Computer


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