How to set PDAnet as metered connection?
I am trying to meter a connection on my laptop. It's a little different, not sure if you can help. I have the creator's update and did go in and set my ethernet to metered and it shows as such. I have also set most of the wifi's I use the same (there's a couple that I don't want metered so I can do WU if needed). BUT, I used to tether my phone to the laptop and use the phone data thru Foxfi. With a recent update to the android system (nougat), you can no longer tether your phone wirelessly. You have to plug the phone in by usb and open PDAnet on the laptop and connect. For some reason I can find no way to meter this. It's not considered "ethernet" nor wifi. When I go into setttings, network it seems to show under the ethernet area as PDAnet but it's downloading ALL updates and wiping out my phone data at a mad rate. I have to pay extra this month because of it. I did try to go into the registry following the steps but always get an error message, something like you don't have permission (I did do all the steps). Why would it do this even if I can see that the ethernet is metered? Any ideas or help? Right now it's the ONLY way I can get on my personal laptop at work. I'm not allowed to use work ethernet, etc.