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How to Upload and Post Screenshots and Files at Ten Forums
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Didn't take. Our tutorial.
How to Upload and Post Screenshots and Files at Ten Forums
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Can't explain why but there is an opportunity for interference. There are three networks I see that are all using channel 11, yours and two others. Why this may be impacting your Zenbook and not other devices is up for debate. I would simply change to channel 8 and test.
Please post model number of Zenbook. Thanks
This worked for me:
Hold the Windows Key and Press R. In the run dialog, type*regedit*and click OK. Navigate to the following path in Registry Editor,
See if the*GroupPolicy subkey exists, if not with WcmSvc highlighted, right click on WcmSvc and Choose New -> Key and name it*GroupPolicy, then click*GroupPolicy*and then in the right pane, (right-click) and choose New -> DWORD (32-bit) and create value, name it as*fMinimizeConnections*and Click OK. Disconnect from your network. Now, reboot and test. Post back with the results.
Did you try Elizabeth's suggestion or the channel change?
Their FAQ, Asus's, is down at the moment.
Did you try their Wireless driver for Win 8.1, version ?
Could be but I thought you had shut IPv6 off.
Here is another way
Enable or Disable IPv6 in Windows