Wifi turns off automatically when a device is connected to my hotspot

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 10

    Wifi turns off automatically when a device is connected to my hotspot

    Whenever a device is connected to my hotspot the wifi is turning off automatically thereby stopping the hotspot.

    To turn the Windows 10 hotspot on, in first step I have turned on the Wireless Network Connection as shown in the below image.

    Wifi turns off automatically when a device is connected to my hotspot-capture.png

    After that I did following steps in Command Prompt(Admin) for hotspot
    1. netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyWiFi key=mypassword
    2. netsh wlan start hostednetwork

    In netsh wlan show hostednetwork command, it shows the hotspot had started successfully as shown in the below image.

    Wifi turns off automatically when a device is connected to my hotspot-capture2.png

    But whenever a device is connected to this hotspot the wifi is turning off automatically thereby stopping the hotspot.

    Wifi turns off automatically when a device is connected to my hotspot-c3.png

    I have unchecked the Power management option i.e, Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.
    All driver are updated to the latest versions.

    Please help
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 134
    windows 10

    Begin with Uninstalling Network card from device manager (without deleting the drivers file) and reboot. Now create portable Hotspot.
    I would recommend using an app like Your request appears to be from an automated process or Turn your PC into a WiFi Hotspot - Connectify Hotspot

    If no go please share your wireless card model.
      My Computer


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