Router protection - which DSL surge filter?

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  1. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    muymalestado said:
    We are used to following weather forecasts and unplugging the router's phone line if thunder is likely. That is not fool proof.

    What are recommendations for quality DSL surge protectors which may display indicators that they have been hit, that they have been wrecked, or that really work well?

    Thank you.
    None. Your NID should already be connected with a ground wire to the ground rod for the meter. All newer NID's contain a jack that protects the line from Lightning, along with any line noise by filters that are inside the casing of the connection block. If you are in an apartment, you can get Lightning protectors from They need to be installed where the wiring is at for all phone lines and the ground connected to a Copper Cold Water Pipe. If you have PEX, you will have to ground it to the Breaker Panel.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    TairikuOkami said:
    A circuit breaker? I prefer the one, which burns, so you have to buy a new one when damaged, every millisecond counts.
    Yes there are Circuit Breaker style units that go inside the Breaker panel and have ports for CATV, Phone, DSL. Those are better than a power strip will ever provide.

    Ever seen a surge strip burst into flames? Been there, seen it. Had our group manager for the Imaging and court document unit just standing there wondering what to do, while I just walked over and unplugged it.
      My Computer


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