How to use Ethernet Port to output internet

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    How to use Ethernet Port to output internet

    Hello all, this is my first post on this forum, but not my first forum post. I have an HP model 110-243w and to keep it simple, it does have built-in Wi-Fi and that works fine, but I would like to be able to plug something into the ethernet port on the back and use that to connect to the wifi. For example, If I go to my router and plug something into its ports on the back, that device is now connected to the network and I would like to emulate this with my machine. I am confident that it is possible because I have seen things online, but they don't work. They want me to enter the properties of the wireless network and enable sharing but I get the error saying that the service cannot accept messages at this time. I could really use some help right now, so any is appreciated, thanks.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,075
    Windows 10 Pro

    It's pretty straight forward. You run a cat5e or cat6 cable from your modem/router to your PC. Plug one end in one of the router ethernet ports (generally labeled as 1- 4) then take the other end and plug it into your LAN port on the mobo (generally at the back of PC).

    What make/model PC do you have? What make/model of modem/router do you have? What ISP are you using?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I Wish

    Plankton said:
    It's pretty straight forward. You run a cat5e or cat6 cable from your modem/router to your PC. Plug one end in one of the router ethernet ports (generally labeled as 1- 4) then take the other end and plug it into your LAN port on the mobo (generally at the back of PC).

    What make/model PC do you have? What make/model of modem/router do you have? What ISP are you using?

    Well, as stated in my specs, I have a HP model110-243w. I would do that, although I cannot as I do not have the option to use a wired ethernet setup, an internal wifi card is my only choice. I have an Ethernet device, I would like to plug that device into the ethernet port on the back of my machine and connect to the wifi, using my computer as an Ethernet-to-Wifi adapter of sorts. Thanks for your help, but it is not really possible. My ISP is Charter
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 198
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    I think the OP is referring to what used to be called 'internet connection sharing'. I haven't used that function for years (and never on Windows 10), but Googling that term might point you in the right direction. R-click my network adapter gives this window, which mentions sharing

    How to use Ethernet Port to output internet-ics.png
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8,467
    windows 10

    You will need a special cable called a cross over cable not a normal Network cable if you aren't going via a router or switch
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 14,629
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Samuria said:
    You will need a special cable called a cross over cable not a normal Network cable if you aren't going via a router or switch
    Right, it's all in how the wires are arranged in the plug. I make up my own cables and the process can be tricky, if it doesn't work can only cut the plugs off and try again with a new one. The plugs are a one-time shot, once crimped can't be used again and can't be tested without first being crimped. I don't see cross-over cables in local stores but can be ordered on the 'net, I usually go the Computer Parts, Cables and Hard to Find Computer Accessories -
    or Amazon.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 198
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    A lot of LAN sockets are auto-sensing nowadays, and will adapt to either a straight cable or crossover. Could explain why you haven't seen crossover cables in stores/online for a while.
      My Computer


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