Want to make wifi ALWAYS forget password
Hi, I have a young'un I'd like to make "earn" internet each day. The plan is, he needs to come talk to me or his dad and we will type in the wifi password. Only trouble is that his devices (Windows 10 laptop and Surface Pro) automatically remember our home wifi password upon booting, even if I tell them to forget the network. Is there any way to make sure that the password MUST be entered each time? (This isn't an option with my ISP's parental controls. Alternatively, I know I can change the wifi password every day if I want through our ISP or router settings, but that's a last resort since that would mean that the adults have to type it in fresh on their phones and laptops every day as well... no bueno.)
I'm not very tech-minded so feel free to explain it like you would to a five year old. :) Screenshots always welcome.
Thanks in advance!