Internet Access "Limited" After Sleep-Mode or Reset
I own an HP laptop running on windows 10. Since I got it back in December, I've had the unresolved issue as follows:
Whenever the laptop is starting up, be that from sleep mode or powering it on from off, it connects automatically to my home network, as it should, but with a "Limited" connection. The only way to resolve the issue is to disconnect and reconnect, and it is fine until the laptop is closed or shut down.
As you can imagine, this got rather tedious rather quickly.
This is the only device in my house with this issue, among phones, tablets, gaming systems, and other laptops/desktops.
Any help or solutions are appreciated!
Things I've tried:
Resetting the computer (duh.)
Resetting my router.
Replacing my router and modem (This was for an unrelated issue, but it was done regardless)
Clearing and re-inputting my home network settings
Resetting the router like 30 more times
Joining this forum!
Please help.