169 ip Address, media disconnected, invalid ethernet ip
I am an absolute extreme beginner in trying to install my own website (for my small business) using my home computer as my server for now, etc. Took me days to understand what I was supposed to install where and confusion arose many a time with all the ins and outs.
I managed to get asfar as installing FileZilla etc and here I got completely stuck. It didnt want to connect to my 'server'. After reading forums and such for hours on end I am even more confused than ever before as to exactly why and what 'fix' will assist me. I have tried numerous things such as the netsh commands given in forums. Nothing seems to be working.
Here is what I gathered: when I go ipconfig - i have a 169. ip address in my IPV4 line. My ethernet states I have an invalid ip address. I do have a driver from Intel installed though. Default Gateway has NOTHING next to it. Obviously, I can still connect to the internet. It seems others cant connect to my computer. I have disabled the Windows Firewall, allowed FileZilla to have access.
I am clearly not in the same class as the clever people and am sceptical about writing on a forum as I have noticed that people can be quite sarcastic in their replies.
I am using Windows 10Pro with a USB modem/router. Can someone at least point me in the right direction in 'normal' language. I have read so many answers and did so many searches its like a snowball effect.
Thank you in advance. Have mercy - Im old too.