Build 9226 - cant connect to shares?

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  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Elizabeth said:
    gmc said:
    Just upgraded to the latest build and find I can no longer connect to any samba shares. It worked fine on the previous build.

    Seems to be a common problem - anyone found a solution yet?
    "The account is not authorized to login from this station" - Microsoft Community

    "The account is not authorized to login from this station"
    The solution (without registry tweaks) appears to be to set up a password-protected user account on the network device containing your shares and then enter those account details (name and password) as a Windows Credential in the Windows 10 credential manager (which can be accessed through Control Panel). This works for Windows shares as well as samba

    Hi there

    You've gone TOO far down the route -- if you can't SEE or access the remote system in the first place you won't get to a login screen anyway.

    It's obvious there are some problems with Networking and W10 -- different solutions of course. I don't use Home groups so Home group related problems are a different system.

    Use whatever works for you of course. In general accessing by IP address should always work but that's a pain especially when using DHCP.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    jimbo45 said:
    It's obvious there are some problems with Networking and W10 -- different solutions of course. I don't use Home groups so Home group related problems are a different system.

    Use whatever works for you of course. In general accessing by IP address should always work but that's a pain especially when using DHCP.
    My b9926 wouldn't connect to other machines, using any method, unless I hacked the Registry (on two clean installs).

    I also tried upgrading a working b9860 VM to b9926 and the "upgrade" broke file sharing.
    I haven't got around to hacking that VM's Registry yet, so no file sharing.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview

    gmc said:
    This fixed the issue:

    Using REGEDIT it's necessary to create a DWORD value called 'AllowInsecureGuestAuth' in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters and set this new value to 1.
    Thank you so much. I haven't been able to access any pc on my network for weeks, and if I'd only come here first I'd have fixed problem in minutes.
    This is my new favorite forum :)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 248
    W10 Pro/W7 Pro 64-bit

    I have a new WD MyCloud NAS and used that registry hack but it was posted in the WD MyCloud forum.

    That fixed the access problem but I've been using LAN Speed Test from Totusoft only six bucks. For instance I get a read speed of 734Mbps on W7 and 8Mbps on W10TP. I don't know if the app insn't compatible with W10TP or what but I did email them today asking about that.

    Appears to be an app issue as the author had me try his Lite version which gave much different results but haven't heard back from him yet.
    Last edited by wptski; 25 Feb 2015 at 13:18.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2
    Win7/64x2, Win 19

    Cannot remove shares

    There appears to be numerous networking issues with b9226 and I've been following the threads. I have found simply that with 7 talking to 10 you cannot share a drive but you can share a folder. With 10 talking to 7, it doesn't matter if its a drive or a folder.

    My issue is that with all of my trial and error, I now have a list or 'dead' shares that will not drop off the list. That is to say, when my Win7 PC searches the network under Win 10, I see a list of shares that no longer exist.

    I cannot find where these are listed in 10 so that I can delete them.

    Has anyone else seen this?
    Last edited by VicWindows; 06 Mar 2015 at 07:42.
      My Computer


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