How can I share any files on my network ?

  1. Posts : 121
    Windows 10 Pro

    How can I share any files on my network ?

    I have 2 laptop with windows 10 pro 64bits on my network how can I make it can send any files to each other ?

    P.s I 'm really newbie for this

    Btw,Thanks in advance :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 26
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    I'm assuming these are your laptops and you don't have others on the same network otherwise there may be some security issues. All of my systems are on my personal network, however Win10 has thrown me a curve and I'm currently have issues access all of the drives on my desktop to my laptops. Following are some general steps.
    1. Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network and Sharing Center, on the left side click Change advance sharing settings
    2. See the following image for the settings
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-1010-adv-sharing-settings-01.png
    3. Expand the Guest or Public section and select the first option in each of the two options
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-1010-adv-sharing-settings-02.png
    4. Now expand the last section All Networks, see the following image for the settings (the first two options, select the first option, the 3rd option select the 2nd option)
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-1010-adv-sharing-settings-03.png
    5. You can now close the control panel

    Now open Windows explorer and drill down to the folder you want to share
    1. I'm assuming you want to share the documents folder
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-0110-doc-folder.png
    2. Click on the Sharing tab and then click the Share button
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-0110-doc-folder-02.png
    3. Here I selected Everyone because nobody else is on my network. However if somebody hacks into my network then they have access. For the permissions select Read/Write, at the bottom of the window click on the Share button. Depending on the size of the folder this can take several seconds/minutes.
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-0110-doc-folder-03.png
    4. You should see something like the following, note that the folder is shared and then click the Done button
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-0110-doc-folder-04.png
    5. Back in the Document properties windows, click on the Advance Sharing button (note that it states the folder is shared)
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-0110-doc-folder-05.png
    6. In the Advanced Sharing window click on the Permissions button. If you want you can add a comment in the Comments section
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-0110-doc-folder-06.png
    7. In the Permissions for Documents window check the Full Control under Allow if it is not checked. This will automatically check the Change and Read boxes
      How can I share any files on my network ?-2016-0110-doc-folder-07.png
    8. Now close all three windows, click OK, OK, Close
    9. Now you can use standard mapping procedures to access the folders on each system from the other system

    On my desktop I don't share anything on the C drive because I have all my data (this includes the Documents folder) on other drives. I then share at the drive level and use a SyncBackPro to sync the the Documents folder across all of my systems.

    Good luck!
      My Computer


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