Alternative to Hosting Provider's File Manager Back End

  1. Posts : 7
    Windows 8.1

    Alternative to Hosting Provider's File Manager Back End

    I use a paid host for my three blogs but uploading themes is a hassle. If I use my host's file manager to manage my files, which I do, I can move files, including themes and plugins from one folder or blog installation to another but I cannot copy across instantaneously.

    Is there any free tool that I can use to copy my themes from one blog themes folder to another blog's theme's folder on the same hosting account?

    I understand the software doesn't have to make my upload. The files would just copy across as directed by me. Is there a free tool, preferably web based to allow me to do this or am I stuck without uploading 200 themes to each blog using FTP tools like Filezilla from my home PC?

    I don't want to use Manage WP as it is premium and I haven't been able to successfully done this with the trial unless I am doing something wrong. Please assist.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there
    surely any decent FTP program should be able to copy from one part to another on your hosting site.

    This FREE one works brilliantly. Just adjust the Local and Remote addresses to the file directories on your hosting site. (Ensure Read and Write access of course).

    WS_FTP LE | Free FTP Client from Ipswitch File Transfer

    If that link doesn't work properly this one does

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Alternative to Hosting Provider's File Manager Back End-ws_ftp.png  
      My Computer


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