Homegroup, was fine now unable to access any other PC or Laptop
Had HomeGroup running fine until yesterday. My PC on Win10 could access our Laptop on Win 8.1 and the Laptop access my PC. Today both are 'unavailable' to the other.
I tried leaving the HomeGroup on both machines then created a new HG on My PC, opened up the Laptop only to find my option was not to JOIN the new HG but to create a new one, obviously the Laptop could not see the HG I had just set up on the PC. Tried it round the other way, creating a HG on the Laptop and attempted to join it on the PC but again was only given the option to create a new HG. Even typing in the same password to both machines did not help.
I also found that my PC today could not access our printer but the Laptop could and could also print.
After around 5 hours of messing around I am at a loss to understand what has screwed up something that was fine yesterdayand even more annoyed I cannot seem to fix it.
Any suggestions would be very welcome!!!