Adding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    Adding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC


    I have been connecting my PC to my router via a Ethernet cable and have had no issues but I want to move the PC to another room and run it off a wireless adapter. I tried a TP-Link USB adapter but it didn't work so I switched it for a Netgear one. That doesn't work either which makes me think there is something not right with my PC. I have installed and uninstalled multiple times, tired different USB ports but the Wireless Adapter doesn't seem to get an IP address and there are no Wireless settings in the control panel.

    Adding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC-wifi-status.png

    The adapter seems to be installed OK:

    Adding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC-device-manager.png

    I can still connect an Ethernet cable and get on-line.

    Adding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC-adapter.png
    Adding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC-network-settings.png

    But there are no Wireless setting and no connectivity to the Adapter.

    I'm I doing something wrong?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 659
    10 preview 64bit

    Hi Mls,
    Just had a quick look at the specs for this dongle.
    Its not showing as being W10 compatible, but that doesnt mean you cant use it,
    Download the >>Driver only<< option from the Netgear site,
    Select update driver CHOOSE browse my computer and update it from the folder or desktop, you may have to install in compatability mode.
    It is only USB2 rated if your ports are USB3 then you wont be able to use it.
    As its dual band you need to set the band to both (in the advanced options).
    if these options fail have a look in the events and post the results.
    Dont forget you need to input the SSID and password.


    nearly missed something it was so small
    What happens when you Right click on the adapter(below ethernet connection), ps 1 option should be troubleshooter run it
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks Roy,

    I can't see any option to download the driver only, I only see a link:

    Software Version (Supports Win10)
    File size: 84.4 MB

    This seems to download two .exe files, one that is supposed to be driver only and the other is a utility and the driver, neither seem to work.

    I have multiple other devices connected wirelessly to the router.

    I have run the troubleshooter a couple of times and get the following results:

    Adding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC-diagnose.pngAdding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC-driver.png

    When you say " have a look in the events and post the results." how do I do that?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Adding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC-2015_10_19_20_58_371.png  
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 659
    10 preview 64bit

    here they are

    there here,
    Have a look in the other boxes as well see if anything sticks out

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Adding a Netgear Wireless Adapter to a Windows 10 PC-wifidet.png  
      My Computer


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