HELP!!! Lan gigabit alwasy detect 100mbps

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  1. Posts : 9
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    thx for all support

    im test to other router with GE port in this is result

    HELP!!! Lan gigabit alwasy detect 100mbps-1gigabits.png

    the problem is to my old router n huawei spec
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    Most often even the techs do not know this simple fact: network cables ie Cat 5, Cat 5E & Cat 6 max out at 100 Mbps, 1000 Mbps, and 10,000 Mbps speeds respectively. So make sure you are using category 5e or cat6 cable. CAT 7 Ethernet cables deliver up to 10 Gigabits.

    Don't worry about cable length because signal degradation doesn't start happening until 328' feet or 100 meters.

    I had 2 different comcast / xfinity techs try to figure out why I'm getting 97 mbps while I'm paying for 150 mbps down. both guys could not figure it out. one comcast idiot tech (a manager) did no testing, he just told me in person that since my computer is not brand new it will not obtain the fastest speeds. then it hit me, it must be something so simple. It was: I was using a lan cable mis-labeled cat 5E, but it was obviously a chinese knock-off and was just a cat 5, which has the 100 mpbs throttle built into it. changed to a real cat5e cable and now get 175 down. Simple as that.

    Also Consider Disabling NETWORK THROTTLING ....................................

    Network throttling is used in some versions of Windows (including Vista and Windows 7).

    Here is how to Disable Network Throttling in the Registry (backup or do a file > export before editing the registry):

    1. Go into the Registry (if you dont know how to do this then you're not qualified to do this)
    2. Navigate your way to
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile
    3. Locate the entry named NetworkThrottlingIndex
    4. To turn the feature off completely, change the value to FFFFFFFF (hexadecimal)

    Remember, that editing the registry can be risky if you don’t know what you’re doing.
      My Computer


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