Wifi Auto Connect

  1. Posts : 65
    windows 10

    Wifi Auto Connect

    I have a PC out in my building and it runs off wifi, sometimes my modem shuts down and reboots but it will take like 5-10 minutes unless I go all the way back to the house and power cycle it. The problem is my windows 10 is set to auto connect to it but never does unless I click the wifi drop down list then it will reconnect, I was wondering if anyone knows an application that tries to reconnect to a specific wifi more aggressively than windows 10 it gets annoying because if I need to use the pc I cant just look across the room to see if my modem is back, I have to go and check the wifi then it connects.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    Sounds like replacing the modem would fix the problem.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 65
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Ztruker said:
    Sounds like replacing the modem would fix the problem.
    yea it would but this is the 4th one, the internet company wifi modems suck.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    Yeah, went through 3 before I got a good one.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 65
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Ztruker said:
    Yeah, went through 3 before I got a good one.
    the worst part is that they no longer allow me to use my own modem so I just keep cycling through crappy modems, they used to let people which is why I own 2 Motorola docsis 3.0 and 1 Motorola dsl modem (in case I use att). I moved into my new house last year and when they went to install the net I told them I wanted my own modem and they refused to hook it up. I even spent hours on the phone talking to different people trying to get it on my account. Net companies always seem to want to tell you how you are gonna use the net, I tell them I want 100 mb download and I get 10 people come on and tell me how they have a PlayStation and a PC and they're fine with 3mb download so I should only need that. I always tell them don't even ever start to compare me with your stupidity ever, I am not and will not ever be on the same level as a "phone tech" meaning they're generally pretty stupid. And no its not for pirating but when I want a game that happens to be 50 gigs I want it within 20 minutes at least. I also had them argue the point "we will just give you a free modem so no need for yours and it wont cost you a thing" yea nothing but my time when it goes out 10 times an hour. I know that I have asked quite a bit of questions on here but that's because I tinker a lot with hardware and software something people reading scripts have no idea about. I probably curse out the cable company once a month for treating me like an idiot after I tell them not to. Ok so this became a rant and I apologize but I hate cable companies.
      My Computer


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