workgroup in windows 10 not working

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  1. Posts : 2
    windows 10

    workgroup in windows 10 not working


    I have a workgroup on desktop and laptop both running windows 10 - it was functioning not long ago but recently stopped and i cant figure out why. i've pfoofed round so much trying to get it going again i've probably made it worse

    I just want to access some files between computers and connect to printer attached to desktop

    I can ping desktop from laptop but not reverse desktop to laptop - kaspersky is on both machines.

    I tried setting up a homegroup but no luck there either - both machines can still access the internet thru netgear cgd24nv3.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    Follow the steps in this post to see if it helps. Was posted in Windows 8 Forum but should be the same here:
    Solved All computers on the same network, each cant see others
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    thanks topgundcp! - all good again now :) - only additional trick was firewall was no longer set as 'local' or 'trusted' on laptop - I am sooooo happy!!!!!!!!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    wozzabottom said:
    thanks topgundcp! - all good again now :) - only additional trick was firewall was no longer set as 'local' or 'trusted' on laptop - I am sooooo happy!!!!!!!!
    Great. I am glad you got it sorted.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 135,094
    Windows 11 Pro (x64) 24H2 Build 26100.2605

    topgundcp said:
    Follow the steps in this post to see if it helps. Was posted in Windows 8 Forum but should be the same here:
    Solved All computers on the same network, each cant see others
    OK question on this link on setting up network. I checked mine just a few mins ago, did have to change a few settings that I had configured . Did turn off homegroup on both machines and in services. Follwed your steps in your tutorial on 8. My network was working before I made these changes though, still is. What I wanted to do for long time was turn off homegroup, but didn't get much help when I here bty. Your tutorial was a huge help to me. So now for ONE question on this subject. I did almost everything in your tutorial except Setup a local static (fixed) ip address. my network is still working, as far as I can tell, both my computers are desktops running win 10 pro. Is changing their IP address really important, or can I leave them like they are now???
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64


    If I remember correctly. You only network with 2 PC'c. Static (fixed) IP is not really neccessary in your case. However, it is always good to assign a static IP for each so in your Router where the Network Adapter MAC ID of each PC is bound to that specific address, (look at the picture on the 8FR, you'll see the IP is bound to the MAC ID on the right column for each device) If you don't assign a static IP then each time you turn on your PC, the chance that the Router will hand out another available IP and this will make the DNS Cache out of sync until it refreshes the cache again. In the case if you have a lot of devices like I do, it can be a mess.

    FYI, Each network device does have its own DNS cache: PC, Router etc... where it keeps track of recent access to other devices and if the IP address of other devies changed then sometimes you will experience a delay until the device refreshes its own DNS cache again. For router, the DNS Cache keeps track of sites that you visited to the outside world in order to speed up and won't have to go thru the DNS server to resolve the domain name with its real address.
    For example: Yahoo has an IP address as:
    So this information is kept in the Router DNS cache, the next time you visit the site, the info is already in the cache so it will be faster to access the site. Again, your PC also has its own DNS cache. Open Admin command prompt, type: ipconfig /displaydns, it will spit out what kept in the cache.

    Sometimes the DNS cache got corrupted or expired then you'll will experience the delay. To reset it, you need to power cycle your router. flush the cache in your PC with: ipconfig /flushdns.

    With all that said. However, the static IP address assigned for some devices are very important where you need to setup port forwarding.

    Here's an example. In my house, I have a security DVR installed with 8 cameras and I have to set a LAN static IP as: for it and in addition, I have to also assign an available port: 9000 (could be 8000, 8050 etc...) in order to access the DVR and have a peek at my house when I am away.

    The process to acces my home device involves a few steps:
    Since I don't have a WAN static IP from my ISP, I have to set up a domain name, for example to map to my dynamic IP assigned by my ISP so every so often my router will ping and update my current WAN IP with the server that hosts it such as:, etc... you probaly see an entry in your router about DDNS and that's what it used for. With this, I can acces to my router but in order to access to a specific device in my house then I have to tell the router what port to use to acces my DVR.

    Here's just an example on how I access my DVR, it's not real so don't try to use it, it won't get to my DVR :) : http: // will get to my router
    9000 will get to my DVR.

    Bottom line is: always good to have static IP assigned for each device in your home and done in router so everything in in one place.

    Hope this helps.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 135,094
    Windows 11 Pro (x64) 24H2 Build 26100.2605

    Thanks for the info, I do have a WAN static IP from my ISP thou. Time Warner here.
    I also have about 7 devices hooked into my router, 2 are my computers. I have not changed anything in my Netgear router its model 6300. older version. mainly because I've had no problems with its setup. AND I am still not sure how to make those changes you talk about. Easy for you....difficult for me. :)
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    Is this what you have ?
    workgroup in windows 10 not working-r6300_um_1jun12.png
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 135,094
    Windows 11 Pro (x64) 24H2 Build 26100.2605


    topgundcp said:
    Is this what you have ?
    workgroup in windows 10 not working-r6300_um_1jun12.png
    Well YES it is topgundcp, they made another version soon after this one, called the 6300a mine is just the 6300. Also note that I NEVER use WIFI have it turned off, since I bought it. Everything is hardwired.
    Last edited by OldMike65; 27 Oct 2015 at 05:01.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    Your Router has the same interface as mine. The 6300 Manual is attached below and look on page 37.
    If you still want to set up static IP's for all 7 devices.
    1. Log into the router by entering:
    2. Advanced->Administrations->Backup settings and save a copy of your current configuration. Just in case you mess up.
    3. With your devices turned on, go to: Advanced->Attached devices. You'll see the list of devices IP's & MAC ID's for each device
    4. Advanced->LAN Setup. click on Add: Enter the first IP e.g, Enter a Name (any name to identify the device), enter the MAC ID which you see on the Attached devices list to bind the IP & the MAC ID of the device together then click Apply.Do the same for next device.
    5. After all done. Reset the router, reboot the devices. You should have a fixed IP assigned to each device.
      My Computer


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