No internet after Win 10 update

  1. PDW
    Posts : 4
    Windows 7

    No internet after Win 10 update

    My aunt did the free Windows 10 update from Windows 7. After the update she had no internet connection so she decided to roll back to Windows 7. After the roll back, she still has no connection. Her connection icon says "unidentified network" and will not connect to the internet. It is plugged directly into the modem. Does anyone have any idea?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Restart the modem by unplugging the power and plug it back in and restart the computer at the same time?
      My Computer

  3. PDW
    Posts : 4
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Yes, we tried that.
      My Computer

  4. PDW
    Posts : 4
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    At the command prompt, I get an error in ip infix saying "media disconnected." I've tried the reset commands that I found on the internet but it didn't fix it. I can't seem to find other things to try.
      My Computer

  5. PDW
    Posts : 4
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    PDW said:
    At the command prompt, I get an error in ip infix saying "media disconnected." I've tried the reset commands that I found on the internet but it didn't fix it. I can't seem to find other things to try.
    I meant an error in ipconfig.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 463
    Windows 10 Home and Pro

    You will want to make sure she has the LAN driver from her computer manufacturer. This might have solved the Windows 10 problem as well. Won't know for sure till you try it.
      My Computer


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