Ralink Linux Client showing up in Windows Network
I have a Lenovo Thinkcentre preloaded with Windows 10 Pro. Sometimes when I go to File Explorer and click on Network it shows something called "Ralink Linux Client" connected to my home network. When I select its properties the only information I get is it's MAC address. But the funny thing is when I check my router's list of connected devices the Ralink Linux Client doesn't show up on my router's list even though it shows up on Network on my computer. I am using a Buffalo WHR-300HP router. I also have a Thinkpad notebook computer running Windows 7 Pro on my home network and this phantom device never shows up on Network on the Thinkpad. This Ralink Linux Client comes and goes on my Thinkcentre showing up sometimes but not all the time.
Does anyone know what is going on here? Should I have any concerns about my network security? I have thought about using MAC address filtering on my router to block that Ralink's MAC address but I haven't done it yet.
I tried researching this on the Web and apparently others have had this problem too both with Windows 7 and Windows 8. But I am reading conflicting information about what might be going on. One forum poster suggested that this means that the router connected to the network is picking up another router within range. Someone else suggested that this is actually something to do with the local router's internal components.
If anyone can help with this I'd appreciate it. I know very little about routers and Windows networking and I am quite lost here. My main concern is whether it might be a security threat or not. Thanks.
edit - My Thinkcentre is connected to my router via Ethernet. My Thinkpad is connected wirelessly.
Last edited by john262; 15 Oct 2015 at 12:00. Reason: additional info