Intenet Connection AirPLane mode

  1. Posts : 4
    win 10

    Intenet Connection AirPLane mode

    My HP laptop keeps wanting to start in the airplane mode. I have reset it to the normal WIFI mode many times and it keeps going back to Airplane mode. I have contacted HP support twice. They took control of the computer and did there thing twice. Ptoblems is again occuring. Any help would be appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    I had the same issue with my desktop. I resolved this by unplugging my USB cable to my UPS battery and restarting. Once I did this, the airplane mode disappeared from my system, as it should.

    I'm guessing something reported power levels or is monitoring power sources on the PC and this causes Windows 10 to think the PC is a portable device and thus activates airplane mode. But that's just a guess.

    I have had my PC for more than a year and upgraded to Windows 10 several months ago so I am unsure what caused this situation to pop up. I'm guessing some sort of update.

    Hope this helps. Good luck.
      My Computer


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